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Image by Wander Creative
Antik Yapısı
Image by Daniel H. Tong
Image by Wander Creative
Antik Yapısı
Image by Daniel H. Tong


I must write again what I wrote in my book titled Turk's Faith...

In reality, this belief is FAITH IN GOD .

In Orkun Scripts, the word TENGRİ in Eastern Turkish, and TANGRI (later GOD) in Oghuz Turkish means SKY . With the concept we call SKY today, the concept of CREATOR is expressed with the word GOD today.

Let's say it again, in old Turkish the word GOD also meant CREATOR ; in today's sense it also meant SKY . Because the two concepts were one. They had not yet been separated. SKY was the CREATOR . THE CREATOR was the SKY .

This is the case even though it is difficult for us to understand or grasp this truth because of the two separate concepts that have formed in our perceptions today and the two separate words we use for them.



This is the primary approach to understanding the TURKISH BELIEF . Secondly, we need to say that GOD is infinity. It is BAYAT , it has no beginning; it is BENGÜ, it has no end. It has no ends, no sides.

If we put it in today's conceptualization , GOD is INFINITY IN INFINITE DIMENSIONS...

When GOD becomes Eternity itself, the third truth emerges:


In this belief, the existence or non-existence of God is not discussed. IF EXISTENCE EXISTS, GOD EXISTS, GOD IS EXISTENCE ITSELF.

Compared to the Infinite Being of GOD , the individuals of existence are like non-existence. Yet all individuals exist on their own scale. We can understand this complex situation today according to the facts of “nucleus science” (Quantum)

GOD created His creations according to unlimited laws. The way to know God is to know those laws. In order to know these laws, which we call the laws of nature, it is necessary to do studies with scientific methods. Observation, research, experimentation and then reaching new information by thinking…

This is the most valuable form of worship of FAITH IN GOD . To worship means to find. Therefore, SCIENCE is needed to approach GOD . To learn the information produced by scientists and to be able to produce new information on top of it, this is worship.

In the BELIEF IN GOD , Existence is a Whole. All that is seen are the Images of God. Within those images is the Spirit of God, Kut. This is called IYI . In the living and the non-living, in the mountains, stones, trees, grass, water, air, fire, there is the image of GOD and also the SPIRIT

Existing things exist according to God's Laws; they live according to those laws, they disappear, they continue their existence in new forms, and thus life flows.

Applause (prayer) is the direction of the formation by the applauser. Applause is also an action. If done well, it produces results. Curse (impost) is the same.

Beings with high consciousness, the sons of man (kizoğul, eroğul) receive the reward of whatever they do in this dimension or in the dimension they go to after death. What they receive is the reward of their actions, their work, their labor.

Those who do good to human beings, to all living beings, and to those who are not considered to be living (water, soil, soil), purify and polish their own spirits.

Those who do evil to human beings, to all living beings, and to those who are not considered to be living, darken and weigh down their own spirits.

Those who do good and those who do evil do so to their own spirits.

When the SPIRIT of those with great goodness comes out of their bodies and they die, they go to FLY . Flying is a place where you live with the SPIRIT OF THE ANCESTORS in a new dimension.

Those who have a lot of evil go to TAMU .

This law continues until it is purified through rebirths.

There is no special debt of worship for those who have FAITH IN GOD .

It is a beneficial action to wake up a while before sunrise, wash your hands and face, go to greet the sun, look at it as it rises, and benefit from the sun for a while longer.

This is what the Turkish Ancestors did.

This is not worshipping the Sun. It is done to contemplate and praise the image of God giving life to the Earth and the Infinite Greatness of God. It also has health benefits.

At night, the moon is looked at during the new moon and full moon.

All images that are majestic and beautiful are held in reverence as a reflection of God's infinite greatness: a tree, a river, a spring of water, a majestic mountain.

My dear reader, the TURKISH FAITH is such a pure and clear belief… There is no temple or religious official in this belief. This is belief, not RELIGION . There is no equivalent for the concept of religion in Turkish.

Kams and Bakshis are people who help with healing and clairvoyance.

From time to time, there have been reeds from other beliefs and religions to the pure belief in GOD . Thus, the belief that increases loses its clarity. The increase in forms and getting caught up in details spoils all beliefs.

Turks or people of other nations who are turning to the TURK'S FAITH again must walk on the main lines.


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